Digital Cruel Seas Close Quarters supplement (PDF)
This is a digital version of the Close Quarters supplement, in .pdf format. While gigantic warships stalk the open oceans, engaging enemies over the horizon with their titanic weapons, much smaller craft hug the coastal waters, protecting the land against...
Hail Caesar rulebook (2nd edition) & Richard I, The Lionheart Special Figure
War has been a constant throughout the history of mankind. From the first civilisations of Babylon and Egypt to the classical eras of Greece and Rome, and beyond to the medieval wars between England and France, ancient civilisations have massed...
Pike & Shotte Rulebook & Special Figure
The Thirty Years War ravaged whole countries, as the first truly national armies marched over Europe. Meanwhile, Royalists and Pariamentarians fought for control of the nation in the English Civil War. Grand divisions, Tercios and wings of cavalry are yours...
Konflikt '47 Rulebook & Special Figure
Written by Chris Hale and with fantastic artwork by Jon Cave and Russ Charles this mighty 208 page rule book contains the complete background and rules to play 1947 weird WWII with your Bolt Action forces. As World War II...
Black Powder II Rulebook & Special Figure
This award-winning book describes the Black Powder game and its various procedures and rules as played by the authors and their friends. The authors’ aim is to enable and encourage the reader to recreate the great battles of the 18th...
Black Seas Rulebook & Special Figure
The Black Seas Rulebook is gloriously detailed and you can see Gabrio's passion for the period throughout the 96 pages. It includes everything to play rules-wise, also delving into the likes of painting & rigging your vessels, campaign play, linking...
Victory at Sea Hardback Book & Special Figure
The Battle for the Pacific was only the beginning. Victory at Sea is the game of naval combat during the Second World War. Throughout 1939–45, the nations of the world duelled across the oceans across the globe, only to discover...
80th D-Day anniversary Campaign Pack - Cruel Seas PDF
Originally part of our D-Day 80th Anniversary Campaign, these Cruel Seas scenarios allow you to re-enact, or repel, the D-Day landings and battle across the channel for naval supremacy.
Cruel Seas Rulebook and Special Figure
In Cruel Seas, you take on the role of a naval crew manning their fragile coastal craft as they head out day and night to take on both the sea and the enemy. Command your flotilla of small ships as...
Run Silent, Run Deep (Cruel Seas) PDF
In Cruel Seas we intentionally wanted submarines to work as a normal surface vessel. After all, powerful diesel engines propel them as fast, if not faster, than many escort ships in a convoy when surfaced. The bonus for a submarine...
Close Quarters! Cruel Seas supplement
While gigantic warships stalk the open oceans, engaging enemies over the horizon with their titanic weapons, much smaller craft hug the coastal waters, protecting the land against raids and invasion. Such naval combat was often quick, brutal and decisive. Brave...
Digital Cruel Seas Rulebook PDF
In Cruel Seas, you take on the role of a naval crew manning their fragile coastal craft as they head out day and night to take on both the sea and the enemy. Command your flotilla of small ships as...
WWII Naval Wargame Rules (R.A. Ellard & J.E. Hammond)
WWII Naval Wargame Rules Written by R.A. Ellard & J.E. Hammond in 1983
The Devil at the Helm: Naval Warfare 1850-1906 Rulebook
The Devil at the Helm: Naval Warfare 1850-1906 Rulebook - Written by R.A. Walker